
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Young Earth and the Paleo diet....Does it mix?

Before I dig into this topic lets make it clear that I am a young earth creationist.  This means that I believe that Genesis is the true account of creation and that God did it in 6 literal days, about 6-10,000 years ago.  I am also a trainer and stark supporter of the Paleo Diet and even as strict as a Ketogenic diet.  I will explain those as I go.
Paleo as I will use it does not necessarily mean the cave man diet or neanderthal diet.  It is a hunter/gatherer, living off the land type of diet with a few tweeks here and there.
Ketogenic diet, is a diet where your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs, simply because you dont give it enough carbs to burn.

First off how did we eat before we were exiled from the Garden?
God placed Adam in the garden and told him that he would have every green plant for food...
-Gen 1:29-30   "29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the [an]surface of all the earth, and every tree [ao]which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the [ap]sky and to every thing that [aq]moves on the earth [ar]which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so."

Does this mean that we only ate vegetables and fruit? Yep sure does. What about cereal grains?  Maybe, I dont know.  But, we were vegetarians at this point.  If we were meant to eat animals at this point God would have included them in the statement "it shall be food for you".  

When were we allowed to eat animals?
After Noah's flood, when God dispersed the animals he also put the fear of man into them.  This is when he gave them to us for food.
Gen 9:2-3 The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the [a]sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given. 3 Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant. 
Just as He gave the green plant he now gives us the animals.  That means we are supposed to eat meat.  The question now comes, WHY?  Why cant we just live as a vegetarian?  Well you can but you will not be your healthiest.  We need animal protein and I will give you my reasons as to why.

When we started off in the garden of Eden we were physically perfect human beings.  That means no breakdown in our bodies requiring protein to rebuild.  However due to our stupidity and selfishness Adam disobeyed God, and when he did he brought sin into the world.  Sin entering the world cursed the whole of creation, that means everything, not just humans, or animals, but the plants, the ground, the sky and everything in them.  With the curse, now comes mutations.  Mutations in our own DNA causing us to no longer be able to thrive on a vegan diet.  Mutations or changes in humans + the changes in plants is where I think we developed the allergens to gluten and other plant properties. So as time goes by that relationship gets worse and worse until our bodies are so out of wack that they require a substance(protein) to help restore or rebuild  them.  Over the many generations since that time, our tolerance has gotten less and less, well, tolerant.

Today how do we eat?  We as humans eat a huge diet based mostly on grains.  A plant that whether we could eat it in the beginning or not is very detrimental to our health now.  Fruits although loaded with nutrients and other good things they are also loaded with fructose.  For more info on fructose read previous post.  Are we a healthy society?  You had better say no to that.  Obesity is on the rise, disease and tons of other ailments are constantly plaguing our lives.  So what are we left with?  Meat, nuts/seeds, veggies, and occasionally some fruit.  What do we stay away from?  Sugar, grains, high starchy vegetables, and dairy.

Yes the Bible and "paleo" can coexist.  It is just a healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow young earther (Bible believing Christian), I wish I had seen this when it first came out. I first read about this kind of diet well over a year ago, but it took a health scare in December 2011 to get me to give it a try.

    In less than 4 months I have lost 30#, have way more energy, and less hunger. I am building muscle and losing fat. It is as if I am finally fueling my body with what it was *designed* to use.

    In my case, I have been following Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint. My primary source has been, but I have also purchased his books. Other than the evolutionary biology mythology that he wraps around everything, the science seems to be sound.
