
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

God made it...

This post is not going to be about how great God is.  It is simply to show a false argument that I have heard come up many times, and have posted on it before...
This post is going to deal with something I have been researching lately and had put off doing for a long time simply because I didnt want to know the truth.....FRUIT!!!
To be more accurate the sugar in the fruit...Fructose!!
From what I have read, just about everyone out there wants to bash sucrose(table sugar) and all the artificial sweeteners but leave fructose alone.  Thats because its natural you say... Your right it is natural but again just because its natural doesnt make it good for us.  Most everyone out there knows that sucrose is bad news right, that white sugar that gets baked into our cakes or sprinkled on top of who knows what is bad for you.  No surprises there we knew that.  But did you know that sucrose is almost 50/50 glucose and fructose?  Every cell in the human body can use glucose for energy.  Fructose on the other hand is almost entirely metabolized in the liver and some studies have shown that prolonged effects on the liver are similar to alcohol. Higher consumption of fructose stimulates Lipogenesis, which is, sugars converting to fat and then triglycerides, raising the level of triglycerides leads to heart disease and the metabolic syndrome.
 "Metabolic syndrome is the combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, too much fat around the waist, low HDL ("good") cholesterol, and high triglycerides. Metabolic syndrome increases your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke." -WebMd
I am not saying to never eat fruit.  And yeah an apple is probably better then grabbing a snickers or kit kat, but truth of the matter is that fruit has its ups and downs and if you are over weight, or already insulin resistant then you should stay clear of it.  If you are healthy, and athletic, in good shape then you could probably eat it here and there.  We were not created to consume fruit all the time.  Before we could fly and get food from all over the planet we may have had some fruit every so often a few months out of the year, but now that we can get it anytime we have gone way overboard with it.
To come back to the argument that God made it, your right he did.  He also made every plant out there poisonous and or edible.  Fruit is cursed just like the rest of creation and we may be getting further and further away from being able to safely eat it.

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