
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


You know there are a lot of different views when it comes to proper eating.  Low carb, low Fat, no red meat, etc, etc....  There is a lady out there that is making some headlines because of her nutrition and fitness success not too mention that her client list has Gweneth Paltrow, Madonna, and who knows who else, but hey the stars use her so she must be good, right?.  Awesome because, whether I disagree with her or not (and I do) she is getting people to at least try to get healthy.  She has people working out 2+ Hours a day, and eating blended fruit and kale mush ohhh and then there is a chicken soup too.  Now thats fine I guess but come on really...?  There is a better more efficient way to do this.  Getting in shape is hard, there is no doubt about that, but it doesnt have to be difficult.  Work out 4-5 times a week really intensely, for a variety of times ranging from 2-20 min + a cool down mobility time for at least 15 min and that will do for the vast majority of humans out there.  Eating is even easier to understand and even harder to put into practice.  Eat meat, nuts, seeds, green veggies, some fruit, and NO grain.  That would be the best possible diet you could do but I understand that most people out there will not be willing to go this far.  Thats up to them.  This will put your body into what is called a ketogenic state.  Simply meaning that your body will now burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.  Fat is your bodies preferred energy source but we typically feed it too many carbs so it just stores the fat.  There are plenty of reasons not to eat grains and other foods that I am not going to go into here so if you have a question please ask... 

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