
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Human Body...

Over the last few days I have been watching and studying more on what the human body is capable of... It is absolutely amazing.  The abilities that God has given to us are in some cases, super human.  There is a man by the name of Dean Karnazes who can run.  No you dont understand he can keep running and running.  This guy could outlast the energizer bunny.  The longest consecutive distance that he has run without stopping is 350 miles... I think they said it took him 80 hrs.  Thats without stopping people.  Here is a link to his site.  I have found a ton of people online that have abilities far surpassing what we would call "normal" human capacity, but it goes to show you that if you are willing to train hard, push your limits, and maybe even get a little help in the genetics department, your ability will be super human.  Stan Lee himself has started a show, or at least he hosts it, that explores this wonderful phenomenon.  Stan Lee's super humans.  It has already featured Mr. Karnazes and many others, such as a guy that cannot be electrocuted, and a guy that can cut a rubber BB in two with a samurai sword.  It was shot at him at 200mph.  Its awesome.  Then if these do not peak your interest I suggest checking out fight science, its another show that tests human performance in other ways...  I guess me being a Crossfitter keeps me interested in all the amazing things the body can do (such as Crossfit), and many other amazing feats.  Check out some of what I have talked about and post comments on here.  I would be interested to hear your thoughts. 

Just finished off a cheat day and am still not weighing myself or doing body fat until the end which is only 14 days away.  I am nervous but thats ok.  I hope my final pics will look better than the first ones, obviously.  April 2nd is day 90, so we are down to the wire... here we go.  Wish me luck.


  1. You don't need luck. You're healthy and working hard. :)

    And when I read of what people survived during the Holocaust and in various imprisonments and such around the world, and what people are surviving today in places such as North Korea, areas of China, Eritrea and the like, it utterly amazes me, not only their survival bodily, but in so many, many ways and circumstances how God gives them joy. I think that blows me away even more than what the body can accomplish and withstand.

  2. Oh! And your running guy eats my Legal Cereal *every morning*. I enjoy it once every two weeks or so...less, lately. I've been off it since some time after Christmas. :-D

  3. yes well he may be able to get away with some things with his diet simply because of the amount of running he is doing...
