
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

With only 26 days to go I have to ask myself this question.  Am I better than when I started?  the answer is a resounding YES!  Not only am I down 6% body fat right now but I plan on being down more by the time I am done.  Do I regret being so strict on my eating that I "deprive" myself of the so called "luxuries" of certain foods? No way, I never understood why people consider it a form of deprivation when someone eliminates poison from their diets.  Sugar, grains, and dairy in this case being the poisons.  Please do not assume that I never splurge and   am only eating like a rabbit or something.  I actually consume a lot of meat and fish(protein), nuts and or seeds(Fat), and occasional green or leafy veggies(fiberous carb).  There are other sources of fat such as avocado and coconut, that I use but not as much as the others.  That is mostly what I eat MTWTF Saturday I splurge, pizza, Chipotle(my favorite), ice cream, cookies, cadbury cream eggs, etc... however during the week when I do not eat these things I am in no way depriving myself.  That is not the right way to look at it.  That mindset is what makes us as a country so freeking fat, and to be honest its all our fault.  My brother talked to me yesterday and made a good point about our leaders.  "who are we to condemn the very government that we created, that is for the most part, very representative of what we have let ourselves become.  The best way to fix Washington DC?  Fix ourselves."     This is a direct quote from my brothers post a couple days ago, and although he and I do not always see eye to eye, I have to say that this makes sense.  He talks about how we as a country are so dependent on drugs that simply work on symptoms and never do anything to actually fix the problem.  As some of you may know, you can do away with most drugs if you are eating the way you are supposed to and exercising.  One thing that most people dont realize is that food is a drug, and used correctly can cure most anything.  If we are unable to take care of ourselves, and we are then electing people to try and take care of this country, of course there is going to be issues.
My Brothers Blog  

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