
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are Doctors the ultimate authority???

I serve as the strength and conditioning coach at a local high school and run a Crossfit Affiliate.  Needless to say I run into a lot of people on any givin day.  With all of the conversations about fitness and nutrition and things of that sort that I have, it is inevitable that someone will bring up, "well so and so says grains are ok and he is a Doctor", or " I heard this lifting program is not as good as this one, and this guy has a PHD", or any number of combinations.  Why is it that we put so much credit in what a doctor says about fitness and nutrition?  In this when I refer to a doctor I mean an MD.  I do not mean to belittle their accomplishments but these area's are not their area's of expertise.  Lets visit the main reason for doctors, at least the majority of them.  They are there so that when we get sick they can examine us and determine what type of treatment is best so that we can get healthy again right?  Yeah some, but not all.  Most people in the medical field have either been brainwashed or just ignorant when it comes to the effects of exercise and nutrition.  Doctors constantly want to write out prescriptions and keep people dependent on medicine instead of getting to the root problem and curing it.  Most medications out there only treat symptoms and rarely actually cure the problem anyway.  If they were actually curing us then they would be working themselves out of a job and the pharmaceutical companies are just too influential.  The basic truth is that if you want fitness and nutrition advise dont ask your family doctor.  Chances are he had a semester of it in college and thats about it.  Talk to someone in that profession.  A trainer, a nutritionist, or someone like that.  You are bound to get different information depending on who you ask but chances are it will probably be better then the phd. 
This is a small example of what Im talking about... Justin is a Pharmacist, but at the same time he is a Crossfitter and "Paleo" enthusiast, along with Josh and myself we own Practice Crossfit.

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