
The Reason I do what I do!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I can only assume that it started off like any other day.  I was living with my best friend at the time and he was out at an appointment.  I was being lazy and vegging out on the couch and consuming some sort of cereal or something else that was not worth my time.  A few minutes before 9am my friend returns home, busting in the front door yelling at me, did you hear, turn on the news, turn on the news we were just attacked.  I looked at him somewhat in disbelief and confused as to what he meant by, "we were just attacked".  I flipped over to the news and looked on in shock and horror as I see a building in New York with a pillar of smoke pouring out of it.  Trying to figure out what I could do if I was there another plane entered the screen and crashed into the other tower of the World trade Center.  My jaw dropped open and a feeling of sickness in my stomach washed over me.  With people trapped in the towers unable to get word to their families and being so desperate, they begin to jump from the building, and surely to their deaths.  I can only assume that to them, the fall was more humane then burning or suffocating to death.  We watched the news for who knows how long... I saw the second plane crash into the building and I watched as the buildings weakened, eventually collapsing.  Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of that tragic and historic day.  I saw a video and wanted to simply share a picture from it.

Among all the chaos and destruction of 9/11, while they were in search of survivors, some rescuers came upon an open area in the rubble.  One fireman said it looked like a cathedral.  Rubble had formed the shapes of chairs and the walls, or at least what was left of them circled around this large cavern.  In the middle there was a large metal cross formed with two I beam supports.  Almost as if a message from God saying I Am Here.

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